The ES4WD Camping & Touring Club have adopted the rules and guidelines as set out in the following key documents and Club members are to follow these as members of the Club.
- The Constitution of the Eastern Suburbs Four wheel Drive Club of WA (Inc) (as amended 2015),
- the WA4WD Association’s published Trip Leader’s Guidelines (of which we are an affiliated member),
- the Adventure Activity Standards October 2009 (currently being reviewed and updated)
- Club Rules & Guidelines published by the ES4WD Club incorporating the above documents.
These guidelines have been prepared as a generic document with reference to club specific by-laws and club specific guidelines. There may be special circumstances during a trip where additional actions may be required to ensure safe traveling. At all times, trip leaders need to be aware of potential risks and will need to mitigate these risks with common sense, logic and appropriate actions.
Specific sections of the Trip Leader Guidelines include the following:
- Code of Ethics at all times as documented in the Guidelines.
- Club members are to follow convoy procedures as documented in the Guidelines.
- Communications—Channel 10 is the Club’s convoy radio channel—reverting to Channel 14 if congested or as determined by the Trip Leader. Communication protocols as per the Guidelines are adopted.
- Club Equipment—club members may borrow the club equipment free of charge. Any damage (other than wear and tear) is to be repaired at the members expense or at the discretion of the Committee.
Dog Policy – Dogs are allowed on trips at the sole discretion of the Trip Leader. Consideration must be given for the relevant dog laws in areas to be accessed. Trip leaders will advise whether dogs are allowed on trips on the Trip Sheet provided in advance.